
Design Guidelines


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ACWWA Water Supply Guidelines 2022 rev001.pdf

The purpose of the Atlantic Canada Water Supply Guidelines is to provide a guide for the development of drinking water supply projects in Atlantic Canada. These guidelines are an update of the Atlantic Canada Guidelines for the Supply, Treatment, Storage, Distribution and Operation of Drinking Water Supply Systems (2004). The update includes revisions to technical requirements and a section on the consideration of climate change for the design of climate resilient infrastructure. A companion document, the Atlantic Canada Wastewater Guidelines, was updated in coordination with these guidelines.

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ACWWA Wastewater Guidelines 2022 rev004.pdf

The purpose of the Atlantic Canada Wastewater Systems Guidelines is to provide a guide for the development of wastewater projects in Atlantic Canada. The guideline is an update of the Atlantic Canada Wastewater Guidelines Manual for Collection, Treatment, and Disposal (2006). The update includes revisions to technical requirements and a chapter on the consideration of climate change for the design of climate resilient infrastructure. A companion Guidelines, the Atlantic Canada Water Supply Guidelines, was updated simultaneously.

pdf Atlantic Canada Wastewater Systems Guidelines May 2022 Popular

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ACWWA Wastewater Guidelines 2022.pdf

pdf Atlantic Canada Water Supply Guidelines May 2022 Popular

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ACWWA Water Supply Guidelines 2022.pdf

pdf Atlantic Canada Wastewater Guidelines Manual - 2006 Popular

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2006 Atlantic Canada Wastewater Guidelines Manual.pdf

This document, the Atlantic Canada Wastewater Guidelines Manual, is an update of the former Atlantic Canada Standards and Guidelines Manual for the Collection, Treatment and Disposal of Sanitary Sewage, 2000 edition, prepared by CBCL Engineering Ltd. The present edition has been prepared by ABL Environmental Consultants Ltd. under the direction of a technical review committee.

pdf Atlantic Canada Drinking Water Guidelines - 2004 Popular

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2004 ACWWA Drinking Water Guidelines.pdf

The purpose of the Atlantic Canada Guidelines for the Supply, Treatment, Storage, Distribution and Operation of Drinking Water Supply Systems is to provide a guide for the development of water supply projects in Atlantic Canada.

document Parks Canada Lead Sampling Protocol info bulletin en Dec11 18 Popular

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Lead Sampling_info_bulletin_en_Dec11_18.doc

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for collecting representative samples for lead in potable water in advance of proposed changes to Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality (GCDWQ)

pdf Quebec Water Supply volume1 Popular

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Quebec Water Supply volume1.pdf

Le Règlement sur la qualité de l’eau potable (RQEP) a été adopté le 30 mai 2001 et est entré en vigueur le 28 juin 2001 (www.mddelcc.gouv.qc.ca/eau/potable/index.htm). Cette mise à jour des normes de qualité a eu pour effet de modifier en profondeur les critères de conception des installations de traitement d’eau potable. Le RQEP a depuis subi plusieurs modifications dont la plus récente a été publiée le 22 février 2012 et est entrée en vigueur le 8 mars 2012.

pdf Quebec Best Practices Popular

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Quebec Best Practices.pdf

Le présent guide a été conçu pour orienter les municipalités sur les différents aspects dont elles devraient tenir compte. Les recommandations émises dans ce guide constituent des objectifs volontaires d’amélioration des pratiques qui ne sont pas encadrés par une réglementation, sauf certains éléments qui seront clairement précisés.

pdf Saskatchewan Guidelines for Sewage Works Design 2014 Popular

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Saskatchewan Guidelines for Sewage Works Design 2014.pdf

This document replaces A Guide to Sewage Works Design published by Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management; March, 1996. Except for industrial wastewater works, the design guide applies to all sewage works described in the The Water Regulations, 2002 and should be used as a companion to the applicable Acts, Regulations and other provincial publications currently in use or as may be published from time to time.

pdf Ontario Design Guidelines for Drinking Water Systems 2008 Popular

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Ontario Design Guidelines for Drinking Water Systems 2008 .pdf

The Ontario Ministry of the Environment (ministry) Design Guidelines for DrinkingWater Systems is intended for an audience that includes engineers who are responsible for designing drinking-water systems, ministry engineers responsible for reviewing and approving the designs of such systems, and the municipalities/owners of the drinkingwater systems.

pdf Manitoba Water Draft 2001 Popular

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Manitoba Water Draft 2001.pdf

Technical Draft of the Manitoba Water Quality Standards, Objectives, and Guidelines

pdf Engineers Canada Principles of Climate Adaptation Popular

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Engineers Canada Principles of Climate Adaptation.pdf

The overall intent of this guideline is to ensure that engineers consider the implications of climate change in their professional practice and that they create a clear record of the outcomes of those considerations.

pdf 10 states standards water 2007 Popular

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10 states_standards_water 2007.pdf

Policies for the Design, Review, and Approval of Plans and Specifications for Wastewater Collection and Treatment Facilities.

pdf 10 states_standards_wastewater 2004 Popular

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10 states_standards_wastewater 2004.pdf

Policies for the Design, Review, and Approval of Plans and Specifications for Wastewater Collection and Treatment Facilities.


 If you have any questions and/or comments about any of these documents, please contact Amy Winchester at amyw@cbcl.ca